Sustainability Policy
As a subsidiary of Bunzl PLC, Workwear Express Ltd is fully committed to operating in a sustainable and responsible manner. We specialize in the stockholding, supply, and customization of workwear, corporate wear, and team wear. Sustainability is not just an addendum to our operations; it's an integral part of our long-term business strategy, aligned with Bunzl's core values and sustainability initiatives.
Aligning with Bunzl PLC's Strategy
At Bunzl, sustainability is core to the company's strategy, and we echo this commitment at Workwear Express Ltd. Keeping in tune with Bunzl's Sustain Strat 1 Update and Sustainability Strategy Graphic 2 (1), we are conscious of the evolving sustainability landscape that brings both opportunities and challenges to our business.
Materiality Assessment
In 2020, Bunzl PLC conducted its inaugural materiality assessment to better understand and respond to emerging sustainability trends and stakeholder interests. As a subsidiary, Workwear Express Ltd utilises the insights from this materiality assessment to:
Recognize and anticipate new sustainability trends that may influence our value proposition in the long run.
Address the sustainability issues that resonate most with our customers, thereby unlocking opportunities for new products or services.
Allocate resources effectively towards the sustainability initiatives that are paramount to our stakeholders and the business.
Maintain transparent reporting on material issues and make a meaningful contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
Areas of Focus
Informed by the materiality matrix developed by Bunzl, we've identified four high-priority areas where Workwear Express Ltd can make a significant impact:
1. Providing Tailored Solutions
We aim to provide custom solutions that are not only effective but also sustainable, offering long-lasting products that minimize waste and contribute to a circular economy.
2. Responsible Supply Chains
Ethical sourcing and responsible supply chain management are fundamental to our operations. We ensure that our suppliers meet strict ethical and environmental criteria.
3. Taking Action on Climate Change
We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint through energy-efficient operations and the adoption of renewable energy sources.
4. Investing in Our People
Our employees are our most valuable asset, and we are dedicated to their ongoing development and well-being, while promoting a culture of inclusivity and diversity.
Review and Reporting
This Sustainability Policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains effective and relevant. In line with Bunzl's focus on transparent reporting, we will continually monitor our performance in these focus areas and report on our progress in a transparent manner, especially concerning our contributions to the UN SDGs.
S. Curran
Chief Executive Officer
Workwear Express Ltd
6 September 2023