3M H540P3E-413-SV Optime III Ear Defend Helmet Attach SNR34

Product Code: 677023

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Product Info

Conforms to EN 352-3 H=40 M=32 L=22 SNR=34.
Optime III is a super-muff, and has been developed for use in extremely noisy environments.
The protection is based on new technology with a double casing that minimises resonance in the holder casing.
This results in maximum high-frequency muffling, while at the same time it's still easy to understand speech and signals.
An acoustic connection between the inner volume and the volume between the casings in its turn provides maximum low-frequency muffling.
The sealing rings are broad and filled with soft plastic foam for the best fit and low contact pressure.

EN 352-3:2002 (SNR 34dB)

3M H540P3E-413-SV Optime III Ear Defend Helmet Attach SNR34

Product Code: 677023

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